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about us

tribaltextiles.info is dedicated to sharing tribal textile information - particularly of a visual nature - with fellow enthusiasts as an on-line resource and to maximise the possibilities offered by the internet of assembling information in a dynamic, three dimensional, flexible and interactive format.

The focus of the site follows the idiosyncrasies of the creator and editor of the site - Pamela A Cross.  The content is mainly that of tribal textiles of south east Asia and south west China. At the time of launch of the tribaltextiles.info site in January 2002 it incorporated the textile material which formed the backbone of the pacross.net website launched by Pamela in 2000. All new tribal textile material has since been loaded on the tribaltextiles.info site. It is planned to continue to expand the site to provide additional material from past and future textile related travels and eventually to incorporate photos of Pamela's extensive textile collection. A statement from Pamela talking about her lifelong interest in textiles may be accessed here.

In 2003 the site started to host material from other tribal and traditional textile enthusiasts and collectors who are willing to share their textiles and knowledge with fellow devotees for personal, educational and non-commercial use.  See details of contributors, several of whom are active members of the tribaltextiles.info/community forum - a place to exchange views, ask for assistance and interrogate a constantly growing reference library of textiles, news of books, web sites, exhibitions and much more.

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Copyright © 2012 Pamela A Cross. The contents of this site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Pamela A Cross.
If you have any comments on the tribaltextiles.info website please send them to us. If you have any general tribal textile comments or questions go to the tribaltextiles.info/community forum to share your thoughts and questions with an international community of enthusiasts.
this page last updated 3 October, 2012